How to Start VirtualBox VM in the Background and Connect via PuTTY

How to Start VirtualBox VM in the Background and Connect via PuTTY

Set Environmental path

  1. copy the directory where VirtualBox is installed (e.g., C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox)

  2. Add into environmental path variable

Commands to run vm in background

Start the vm

Syntax - VBoxManage startvm yourVM_name --type headless

VBoxManage startvm navinvm --type headless

Status of the VM

Syntax - VBoxManage showvminfo yourVM_name | Select-String "State"

VBoxManage showvminfo navinvm | Select-String "State"

VBoxManage list runningvms

Stop the VM

Syntax - VBoxManage controlvm yourVM_name poweroff

VBoxManage controlvm navinvm poweroff

How to connect via PuTTY

or You can use Mobaxterm

for file transfer, you can use either FileZilla or WinScp
