Set Environmental path
copy the directory where VirtualBox is installed (e.g.,
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox
)Add into environmental path variable
Commands to run vm in background
Start the vm
Syntax - VBoxManage startvm yourVM_name --type headless
VBoxManage startvm navinvm --type headless
Status of the VM
Syntax - VBoxManage showvminfo yourVM_name | Select-String "State"
VBoxManage showvminfo navinvm | Select-String "State"
VBoxManage list runningvms
Stop the VM
Syntax - VBoxManage controlvm yourVM_name poweroff
VBoxManage controlvm navinvm poweroff
How to connect via PuTTY
or You can use Mobaxterm
for file transfer, you can use either FileZilla or WinScp