Hive ORC File Format

Hive ORC File Format

Table of contents

  • smaller size

  • Acid properties (insert update delete)

  • Columnar storage for fast retrieval

Tables used

select * from orc_table; -- stored as ORC format table
select * from stage_pwb_table; -- stored as text format table

Create ORC table

create table orc_table (
  pid INT,
  pname STRING,
  drug STRING,
  gender STRING,
  tot_amt INT,
  country STRING
) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as orc;

Insert data form stage_pwb_table table

insert into table orc_table select * from stage_pwb_table;


create table stage_pwb_table (
  pid INT,
  pname STRING,
  drug STRING,
  gender STRING,
  tot_amt INT,
  country STRING
) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;

-- load data to the stage table
load data local inpath '/home/navin/Documents/data1.txt' 
into table stage_pwb_table;

Time difference

select count(*) from orc_table where country='ind';
select count(*) from stage_pwb_table where country='ind';

here, I have used a very small data set. So that couldn't able to see the big difference


Different Data File Formats in Big Data Engineering
